
French Bulldogs - Lagotto Romagnolos - BT Coonhounds


Ch. Tito M Totegnac As the first French bulldog from Croatia, our Tito M Totegnac passed the official and licensed respiratory function tes...

Ch. Tito M Totegnac

As the first French bulldog from Croatia, our Tito M Totegnac passed the official and licensed respiratory function test developed by scientists from Cambridge in cooperation with the UK Kennel Club and which diagnoses possible airway obstruction (BOAS) with the highest possible grade. The test was carried out and signed by Dr. med. vet Hemma Schichl-Pedit. at the Tier Gesundheits Zentrum in Gratkorn, Austria. This test is the biggest step towards preserving and protecting our breed. Tito M Totegnac holds the titles Croatian Champion in Beauty, Slovenian Champion in Beauty, Grand Champion BiH & Junior Champion of Croatia. His father is Witherford Keanu, a dog born in an English kennel whose name has been celebrated worldwide by breeding boxers since the middle of the 20th century, and his mother is our champion Ricarda Petit de Totegnac, the first dog from Croatia to place at Crufts.

World Dog Show Croatia, Zagreb, 27. 4. 2024. These are the detailed results of the Totegnac French Bulldog s at the World Dog Show 2024. The...

World Dog Show Croatia, Zagreb, 27. 4. 2024. These are the detailed results of the Totegnac French Bulldogs at the World Dog Show 2024. The judges were Jorge Nallem (females) from Uruguay & Christian Jounchicot (males) from France:
--- Unimaginable Beaute de Totegnac aka Luisa: Exc. 2nd in Junior Class!!!
--- Ulysses de Totegnac aka Salko: Exc. 4th in Junior Class;
--- Burrbery aka Beba: Exc. shortcuted in 6 top females in Intermedia Class;
--- Tito M Totegnac aka Tito: Excellent in Champion Class.
Luisa are owned, loved and trained by Milena Kodzoman, Salko is owned, loved and trained by Ivana Galovic. 
Ulysses de Totegnac aka Salko: Exc. 4th in Junior Class

Ulysses de Totegnac aka Salko: Exc. 4th in Junior Class

Ulysses de Totegnac aka Salko: Exc. 4th in Junior Class

Ulysses de Totegnac aka Salko: Exc. 4th in Junior Class

Ulysses de Totegnac aka Salko: Exc. 4th in Junior Class

Tito M Totegnac aka Tito: Excellent in Champion Class

Unimaginable Beaute de Totegnac aka Luisa: Exc. 2nd in Junior Class

Tito M Totegnac aka Tito: Excellent in Champion Class

Burrbery aka Beba: Exc. shortcuted in 6 top females in Intermedia Class

Tito M Totegnac aka Tito: Excellent in Champion Class

Ulysses de Totegnac aka Salko: Exc. 4th in Junior Class

Ulysses de Totegnac aka Salko: Exc. 4th in Junior Class

Unimaginable Beaute de Totegnac aka Luisa: Exc. 2nd in Junior Class

Unimaginable Beaute de Totegnac aka Luisa: Exc. 2nd in Junior Class

We are proud to announce the upcoming litter of Totegnac French Bulldog in mid-June!!! We chose the upstanding Pablo for our beloved Daisy....

We are proud to announce the upcoming litter of Totegnac French Bulldog in mid-June!!! We chose the upstanding Pablo for our beloved Daisy. Even as a young female, she won Best Of Breed in strong competition at CACIB Zagreb 2019 (under breed specialist mr. Sebastian Harnik from Poland, later Daisy won placements in two classes at Crufts 2020, under judge Mrs. Betty Peach of Rosdyke fame), and Pablo is now undoubtedly the Top French Bulldog in this part of Europe! Both dogs have been genetically tested, they are very healthy and strong specimens of their breed, so we are very much looking forward to the litter. Big thanks to Katja Milat for letting us use her Pablo! Feel free to contact us if you want to reserve a puppy from this exceptional combination.

After a three-year break Totegnac kennel proudly presents a fantastic litter of 8 (!) French bulldogs! We accept reservations for these pupp...

After a three-year break Totegnac kennel proudly presents a fantastic litter of 8 (!) French bulldogs! We accept reservations for these puppies of exceptional genetic potential: The father is a beautiful pied male Keanu, bred in the legendary English kennel Witherford, and the mother is our Ricarda Petit de Totegnac aka Daisy, Best of breed at the last International Dog Show in Zagreb, Best in Show puppy at the International Dog Show in Zadar and awarded in strong Yearling & Junior classes on Crufts...

Jedna od fotografija koje su dobro znane svima koji na društvenim mrežama vole dijeliti stare prizore francuskih buldoga, snimljena prije...

Jedna od fotografija koje su dobro znane svima koji na društvenim mrežama vole dijeliti stare prizore francuskih buldoga, snimljena prije Prvog svjetskog rata, prikazuje princa Stephana Alexandera Viktora zu Schaumburg-Lipea, njemačkog plemića, u vojničkoj uniformi i s dva francuska buldoga u krilu. No, malo je onih u Hrvatskoj koji znaju da je otac tog mladića, knez Georg Adolf von Schaumburg-Lippe, u 19. stoljeću bio najveći zemljoposjednik u Slavoniji. Ta je plemićka obitelj imala 62.000 jutara zemlje (oko 35.600 hektara), vlastelinstva Virovitica i Slatinu. U Baranji su posjedovali i Dardu. Pradjed princa s francuskim buldozima bio je knez Georg Wilhelm od Schaumburg-Lippea (Bückeburg, 20. prosinca 1784 - Bückeburg, 21. studenoga 1860) i on je počeo kupovati posjede na hrvatskom tlu još 1841. godine. Tada je za 35 milijuna kruna kupio dvorac i imanja od Antuna III. Pejačevića. Brat princa Stephana, Adolf II, bio je posljednji vladar kneževine Schaumburg-Lippe, kojom je do 1918. prilično autonomno upravljao u Njemačkoj, ali je poslije Prvog svjetskog rata ona trebala biti uklopljena u Weimarsku Njemačku, pa se knez Adolf II preselio na- Brijune! On i supruga mu, njemačka glumica Ellen Bischoff-Korthaus, poginuli su u Meksiku 1936. kada im se zrakoplov kojim su letjeli zabio u brdo. Njegov brat i mladić s fotografije, princ Stephan Alexander Viktor, rodio se 1891. u prelijepom dvorcu Buckerburgu (danas Donja Saska), ali je dočekao Drugi svjetski rat kao nacist i SS-ovac, baš kao i treći brat mu Friedrich Christian. Kada je ova fotografija snimljena, vjerojatno 1911. godine, obitelj Schaumburg-Lippe odlučila je prodati imanja u Hrvatskoj, pa i tvornicu pjenušavog vina - šampanjca, od grožđa sorte kadarka (proizvodnja započeta 1864. održala se sve do 1912.) u velikom podrumu u Slatini. Princ Stephan Schaumburg-Lipe preminuo je 1965. godine, u bavarskom dvorcu Kempfenhausen.

Ovaj je intervju izvorno objavljen u časopisu Hrvatskog kinološkog saveza "Moj pas". Razgovarali: Manuela Lulić Galović i Alen G...

Ovaj je intervju izvorno objavljen u časopisu Hrvatskog kinološkog saveza "Moj pas". Razgovarali: Manuela Lulić Galović i Alen Galović

Ime Arnolda Hendriksa, Nizozemca s francuskom adresom, trajno je upisano u svjetskoj kinološkoj povijesti francuskih buldoga. U Evropi nema živućeg uzgajivača koji je u duljem kontinuitetu posvetio život ovoj osobitoj pasmini; njegova uzgajivačnica francuskih buldoga v. d. Zuylendstede registirana je prije točno pola stoljeća: 1968. godine! Hendriksa sam imao prilike upoznati prije deset godina, kada je sudio na specijalnoj izložbi malih molosa u Staroj Pazovi, u Srbiji, i bila je to rijetka prilika da na djelu vidimo živuću legendu ove pasmine i shvatimo o kakvom je znalcu riječ. Zato sam bio neobično sretan kada je Hendriks pristao na moj poziv doći u Zagreb i, nakon opravdanih odgađanja proteklih godina, napokon suditi francuske buldoge na specijalnoj izložbi Kluba patuljastih pasmina IX. FCI skupine. Tim povodom razgovarao sam s Hendriksom i postavio mu pitanja koja danas intrigiraju mnoge uzgajivače i ljubitelje pasmine, za neke su određene teme i pravi tabu, dok su druge predmet velikih sporova i među samim uzgajivačima. Hendriks je na sve odgovorio posve otvoreno i iskreno.
Supruga Astrid i Arnold Hendriks
  • Vaša priča o tome kako ste počeli s uzgojem francuskih buldoga doista je fascinantna. Ispričajmo je za one koji je nisu čuli...
- Nakon desetogodišnje biciklističke karijere, sretno sam se oženio i već ima dvije (a kasnije i
troje) drage dječice. Svi smo htjeli i malog psića, kao mnoge druge mlade obitelji. No, za mene je to imalo i drugo značenje. Moj otac je bio vrlo dobar uzgajivač njemačkih ovčara prije Drugog svjetskog rata. Ali u ratu je sve uništenu i otac nije imao hrabrosti započeti s uzgojem ispočetka. Zato sam ja maštao da obnovim njegov hobi i uzgajam pse. Otac me savjetovao da ne počinjem s nekom poznatom i raširenom pasminom, već da izaberem pasminu koju treba obnoviti i iznova oživjeti u našoj zemlji. Moj izbor je pao na francuske buldoge. Moj prvi kontakt s tom pasminom bio je mužjak kojeg je posjedovala moja ujna. To je bio snažan i aktivan mužjak, vrlo prijateljski raspoložen i zaigran. Slučajno sam baš u isto vrijeme pročitao oglas u kojem je stajalo: Prodaju se dvije ženke francuske buldogice, stare dvije i pol godine. Otišao sam s ocem da ih pogledam i užasnuli smo se vidjevši dva psa kako sjede u kokošinjcu, bez dlake, njihova se koža ljuštila. Bile su u užasnom stanju. Sažalio sam se nad njima, zaključio da ih moram izbaviti iz tih uvjeta i odlučio ih kupiti. Dobro sam se brinuo o njima i nakon pet do šest mjeseci njihova je dlaka ponovno izrasla i one su izgledale prelijepo. Učlanio sam se u nizozemski Klub francuskih bulodga i u međuvremenu sam čuo da jedan slavni uzgajivač živi u blizini. Upoznali smo se i kad je vidio moje pse rekao mi je da oni dolaze od dobrio linija. Kuje su bile u dobroj kondiciji i odlučio sam krenuti u uzgoj. Prva legla su bila brojna: jedna je kujica donijela na svijet osam, a druga devet štenaca! S novcima koje sam dobio od prodaje štenaca kupio sam predivnu pied ženku Blanche v.d . Molenstal, od najboljeg nizozemskog uzgajivača van Doorna. S Blanche sam započeo i svoju izložbenu karijeru, na svojoj prvoj izložbi u Amsterdamu 1969. ona je izabrana za najljepšu ženku, osvajala je titule i kasnije. Iz prvog legla s Blanche ostao mi je mužjak kojeg sam nazvao Boulotte. Osvojio je više titula i primijetio ga je princ dr. Alexander Von Ratibor und Corvey (njemački aristokrat i najslavniji uzgajivač francuskih buldoga onoga doba, njegovi psi su preci svih najslavnijih francuskih buldoga s
europskoga kontinenta, op. a.). Pozvao me da ga posjetim u Njemačkoj, što sam, naravno i učinio. U međuvremenu sam shvatio da su najlješi psi princa Ratibora zapravo vukli porijeklo iz engleskih linija. On je doista uvezao francuske buldoge 1965. iz uzgajivačnice Lancefield, u vlasništvu gospođe Muriel Walker te iz uzgajivačnice Selholme, gospođe Hugh Baker. Zato sam iskoristio jedno ljetovanje u Engleskoj da posjetim gospođu Hooton i njezinu uzgajivačnicu Little Coombe u Exeteru. Ona je imala mladog mužjaka, starog sedam mjeseci, koji se zvao Topsham McTavish. Oba njegova roditelja su vukla porijeklo od Bomlitz Edwardbeara (jedan od najvažnijih pasa u povijesti pasmine, okoćen 1959. već 1960. BOB na Cruftsu, njegove snažne kosti, ekspresija, krupna glava i jaki front i danas su ideal kojem mnogi teže, op. au.) i upravo je to bio tipičan francuski buldog kakvoga sam tražio. Nisam trebao dvaput promisliti: McTavish je otišao u Nizozemsku sa mnom. Zvali smo ga Mac, osvojio je više titula, među njima i BIS na Klupskoj izložbi u Nizozemskoj, među 125 francuskih i engleskih buldoga. Bio je i Junior Winner u Amsterdamu 1974. pa Winner 1976. i nizozemski prvak u ljepoti. Zatim sam 1975. uvezao Quatt Pollyannu, predivnu brindle ženku, staru godinu i pol. No, jedno joj je uho bilo oštećeno i nisamo je mogao izlagati, ali je bila odličnih linija. Kupio sam je da je kombiniram s McTavishem. Već u prvom leglu imali smo nizozemske šampione; Amorous Belle v.d. Zuylenstede and Queen Annabelle v.d. Zuylenstede. Kći Amorous Belle was Dutch Champion Girly v.d. Zuylenstede. Kći Queen Annabelle je bila nizozemska šampionka Alicella v.d. Zuylenstede, Winner 1979. i BOB 1980. Iz drugog legla iste kombinacije stigao je prelijepio pied mužjak i međunarodni šampion Chico v.d. Zuylenstede. Chico i Alicella dali su fawn ženku koja se zvala Chemera v.d. Zuylenstede. Na žalost, ta boja nije u to doba bila priznata u Evropi i nisam je mogao izlagati, ali sam mogao uzgajati s njom i zadržao sam je. Pario sam je s uvezenim mužjakom koji se zvao Brickett Jacarinda, njegov je otac bio Gangour Oss.
Iz te kombinacije dolazi Zappa v.d. Zuylenstede, kojeg sam prodao jednoj obitelji u Njemačkoj. Taj lijepi mužjak je samo jednom izložen i osvojio titulu Reserve Bundessiegera. U to sam doba prodao više doista prelijepih pasa ljudima koji su htjeli samo ljubimce i nisu ih zanimale izložbe.
Hendriks u SAD-u s amerièkom šampionkom Charlotte vd Zuylenstede
  • Dakle, kada ste započeli sa svojim uzgojem, francuski buldozi su doista bili rijetka pasmina. Kako biste danas objasnili taj enorman rast njihove popularnosti?
- Danas zbilja na svakom uglu možete kupiti francuskog buldoga. Isto tako, današnji uzgajivači u velikoj mjeri uspijevaju unaprijediti pasminu zahvaljujući sjajnim psima iz prošlosti. Mnogo je slavnih koji imaju francuske buldoge, ljudi poput Davida Beckhama i Zlatana Ibrahimovića, Lady Gaga, Sharon Stone, pojavljuju se u serijama, kao što je Stella u Modernoj obitelji (Modern Family), i filmovima, kao što je William u Raspadu sistema (Bringing Down The House)...
  • S kojim ste se problemima suočili kod prvih legala? Što su bili najveći zdravstveni problemi? Jesu li ti štenci došli na svijet prirodnim putem?
- Prva legla koja sam uzgojio, s dvije sestre, okoćena su prirodno. Te ženke su bile odlične majke, a štenci su bili posve neovisni već s četiri tjedna. No, poslije nisam bio te sreće. S Blanche vd Molenstal, predivnom pied ženkom, htio sam leglo nakon što je postala nizozemski šampion. Znali smo da će njeni štenci gotovo sigurno doći na svijet carskim rezom. Njezin uzgajivač gospodin van Doorn me upozorio na to kad sam je kupio. Četiri tjedna brije okota otišao sam do najboljeg veterinara tog vremena i dogovorili smo carski rez. Kad je došlo vrijeme, nazvao sam kliniku ali javila mi se supruga veterinara. Rekla je da muž nije kod kuće i da dođem na konzultacije popodne. Naravno, nisam mogao čekati. Ženka je već imala trudove, tiskala je. Nazvao sam svog veterinara, koji je zvao Sveučilišni kliniku u Utrechtu. Kad sam stigao, predao sam ženku i rekli su mi da se vratim za četiri sata. No, kad sam se napokon vratio, predali su mi vreću s tri mrtva štenca i ženku pod narkozom.
- Oprostite, ali srećom smo spasili ženku iz narkoze, rekli su mi. Sve je trajalo predugo. Tada sam znao da valja odustati od ovakvog tipa teške anestezije i ubrzo su veterinari počeli primjenjivati nove metode...
Roquefort vd Zuylenstede je u samo 13 dana postao američki i kanadski šampion, prvi francuski buldog iz Europe koji je objedinio obje titule
  • Dakle, bilo je to vrijeme kada je vrlo malo veterinara moglo izvesti carski rez?
- Da, u to doba je bilo mnogo problema sa carskim rezom. Jasno, pasmina nije bila popularna kao danas, pa ni veterinari nisu imali potrebe da iskušavaju nove metode. No, definitivno je previše štenaca i ženki uginulo u tom razdoblju između sedamdesetih i devedesetih zbog veterinara koji nisu bili dovoljno pažljivi ili educirani oko anestezije francuskih buldoga.
  • Kažite nam nešto više o kontroverznoj temi koja se tiče boja francuskih buldoga. Fawn (smeđi, u nijansama od bijele kave do crvenkastosmeđe, op. au.) francuski buldozi dugo nisu bili priznati u Evropi (odnosno u FCI standardu, op. au.), a vi ste imali neke od prvih šampiona u toj boji. Mislite li da će jednog dana tako biti priznati i tzv. plavi, odnosno sivi francuski buldozi? Kako objašnjavate njihovu popularnost, premda se zna za genetske poremećaje koje nose i premda ne smiju u uzgoj?
- Kad sam počeo uzgajati, u standardu su bile navedene četiri boje: svijetlotigrasti, tamnotigrasti s bjelinom na prsima, bijeli s plaštom te tamni s velikim plaštem (tri četvrtine tijela su morale biti tamne, a donji dio nogu je bio bijele boje). No u mojim linijama, s engleskim porijeklom, u petoj ili šestoj generaciji bilo je i smeđe boje. U Engleskoj je ta boja bila vrlo popularna. FCI ju je prihvatio u novom standardu tek 1994. godine. Moj fawn mužjak Louis Louis vd Zuylenstede osvojio je tako titulu na svom prvom showu u francuskom Rouenu. Nije tada bilo mnogo fawn pasa u Evropi. Brat Louisa Louisa vd Zuylenstedea, Felipe vd Zuylenstede, prodan je u Ameriku i kasnije se njegov sin vratio u Njemačku. Zvao se Coeur de Pantoufle. Na žalost, tom mužjaku Nijemci nisu dali uzgojnu dozvolu zbog tadašnjih striktnih i prilično netransparentnih kriterija. No, mužjak je potom prodan jednom uzgajivaču u Nizozemskoj, i mnogo je njegovih potomaka bilo diljem Evrope. Mnogi fawn psi danas u svom rodovniku imaju tog mužjaka među precima. Osobno mislim da su sve boje zabranjene po važećem FCI standardu, kao što je mišje siva, crna s paležom ili čista crna, izuzetno velik problem. Trebalo bi izbjeći i da štenci takvih boja dobiju rodovnicu, a kamoli da dobijaju uzgojne dozvole.Uzgoj s takvim psima je, naravno, posve nedopustiv. Jasno da će svaki ozbiljan uzgajivač izbjeći takve boje u uzgoju.
Lancelot vd Zuylenstede, svjetski prvak (World Dog Show Amsterdam, 1985.)
  • Što danas smatrate najvećim problemom francuskih buldoga?
- Definitivno je previše francuskih buldoga koji zabrinjavajuće loše dišu. Problem su i nervozni psi, koji ne podnose stres bilo koje vrste. Takvi bi psi trebali biti isključeni iz uzgoja.
  • Postoje li neke osobitosti u uzgoju ili u samoj pasmini i standardu koje današnji uzgajivači zanemaruju?
- Mislim da bi trebalo voditi više računa o kombinacijama nekih boja, da bi pied francuski buldozi, naročito oni koji imaju slabiju pigmentaciju u oku ili vidljivu bjelinu, svakako trebali biti pareni s tamnijim brindle psima. Posve crna boja, bez imalo pruga i dlake druge boje, je vrlo nepoželjna. Psi postaju sve tamniji, gotovo posve crni, a to treba svakako izbjeći. Važno je voditi računa o repu, on mora postojati, dobra leđna linija je izuzetno bitna za pravilno kretanje... Kad sam počeo uzgajati bilo je vrlo malo francuskih buldoga u Evropi, nešto više u Njemačkoj i Engleskoj. Poslije 2000. naročito su se aktivno u uzgoj uključili ljudi s istoka kontinenta i to je svakako bilo bitno za jačanje pasmine, pa i kinologije u cijelosti. Snažnija kompetitivnost, tipski odlični psi su brojniji i doista su pomogli razvoju pasmine, a uz pomoć blagodati interneta uzgajivači mnogo lakše dolaze jedni do drugih, do informacija o pedigreima, precima...
  • Kada biste mogli izabrati nekeg određene pse koji su imali bitan utjecaj na pasminu, koji bi to bili?
- Ne mogu iznositi konkretna imena. U svim ovim godinama uvijek su se iznova pojavljivali dobri uzgajivači sa sjajnim psima. Kad gledate rodovnike današnjih pasa, vidjet ćete uzgajivačnice Daulokke, de la Parure, A'vigdors, Kingfriend... Svi ti uzgajivači imaju lijepe primjerke pasmine. Naravno da ima još sjajnih uzgajivača. Osjećam poštovanje prema svim uzgajivačima kojima je na prvome mjestu kvaliteta, a ne kvantiteta.
Hendriksova djeca s francuskim buldozima 1972. godine
  • Mislite li da je svijet kinologije nekoć bio pravedniji, transparentniji?
– Svuda postoje ljudi koji baš i nisu najbolje osobe. Pa tako i u kinologiji. Jasno je da u vodstvima nekih saveza ili klubova, pa i među sucima, ima onih koji djeluju na štetu pasmine, a u svoju osobnu korist. To je vrlo nesportski.
  • Strahujete li da će uzgoj uskoro biti ozbiljno ugrožen od nekih radikalnih aktivista, na primjer?
- Da, u budućnosti ćemo imati ozbiljnih problema ako se nešto ne učini sa problemom disanja kod francuskih buldoga. Neki aktivisti već traže zabranu uzgoja svih brahicefaličnih pasmina, a i izložbe su na udaru. Pa žele zaustaviti i Amsterdam Winner show, jedan od najstarijih na Kontinentu!
  • Mislite li da je realna mogućnost zabrane uzgoja francuskih buldoga zbog njihovih problema s disanjem?
- Da, u Nizozemskoj bi to mogao biti problem. Predsjedništvo i neki uzgajivači iz Nizozemskog kluba francuskih budloga uskoro će o tome biti saslušani i pred posebnim sudom zbog takvih zahtjeva, pa će morati obraniti pasminu...
Hendriks sudi na izložbi u Francuskoj (Longchamps 1998.)
  • Za kraj, što je za Vas bilo najvažnije u uzgoju? Što biste poručili današnjim uzgajivačima?
- Moj cilj je bio uzgoj francuskih buldoga koji će biti zdravi predstavnici pasmine, dakle unaprjeđenje pasmine u skladu s preciznim opisom iz standarda. Zdravlje uvijek mora biti na prvome mjestu. S relativno malim brojem pasa u kući, najčešće njih pet ili šest, uvijek sam u tome uspijevao punih 50 godina.
Hendriks na Specijalnoj izložbi IX. FCI u Zagrebu 2018. i BOB Puppy Obi Van Kenobi Totegnac (uzgoj Manuela Lulić Galović, vlasništvo Nana Piteša)

Svako kopiranje, distribucija, elektronska obrada podataka / kopiranje i prenošenje sadržaja zahtijeva prethodno izričito dopuštenje autora. 

Astrid & Arnold Hendriks Interview with mr. Arnold Hendriks (bred french bulldogs since 1968. prefix vd Zuylenstede) by Alen & ...

Astrid & Arnold Hendriks

Interview with mr. Arnold Hendriks (bred french bulldogs since 1968. prefix vd Zuylenstede) by Alen & Manuela Lulic Galovic. This article was originaly published in Croatian Kennel Club magazine "Moj pas" on Croatian language 

  • The story of how you started breeding French bulldogs is really interesting and, to me personally, fascinating. Can you tell us the story for those who do not know it?
- After 10 years in a sporting career as a racing cyclist, I became happily married and had, at that time, two (later three) darling children. We also wanted a little dog, like so many other young families.
To me it also had another meaning. My father had been a very good breeder of German Shepherds before World War II. Because of the War, everything had been destroyed and my father had no courage to rebuild again, so I wanted to take up his hobby and breed dogs. My father advised me not to start on a popular breed but to choose one which needed to be renewed in our country. My choice became the French Bulldog.
My first acquaintance with a French Bulldog was at my Aunt’s who possessed one. He was a strong and active male, very friendly and playful dog. By chance I read an add stating: “For sale two French Bulldog females aged 2 ½ years old”.
I went together with my father to view and we were astonished to see the two dogs sitting in a chicken house, hairless, their skin felt like leather and was in a bad condition. I felt so sorry for them and thought they had to leave there immediately so I bought them. I took good care of them and after about five or six months their hair grew back and they looked beautiful.
I had become a member of the Dutch French Bulldog Club in the meantime and learned that a famous French Bulldog breeder lived in the vicinity. We met and when he saw my dogs he informed me that they came from a fine bloodline. My bitches were in good condition and I decided to breed with them. They soon became with young, one having eight and the other one nine puppies.
With the sale money from the puppies I bought a beautiful young pied female Blanche v.d . Molenstal from the best Dutch breeder Mr. van Doorn. With Blanche I started my show career. At our first show, the Winner in Amsterdam 1969 she became Winster and Best Bitch.
Blanche won several shows and again Winster in 1970 in Amsterdam and eventual Dutch Champion.
Out of a litter of Blanche I bred a nice male called Boulotte. He won several prices and was noticed by Prince Ratibor from Germany, who liked him very much and was surprised that such a beautiful dog had been bred in the Netherlands. He invited me to visit Germany, which I did.
Whilst there I discovered at the shows that the beautiful dogs of Prince Ratibor had been bred from a certain English bloodline. He imported French Bulldogs from England around 1965 out of the Lancefield Kennel of Mrs. Muriel Walker and the Selholme Kennel of Mrs. Hugh Baker.
Hendriks's children with frenchies 1972.
During my holiday in England I visited Mrs. Hooton`s Little Coombe Kennels in Exeter. She had a young male, aged seven months, for sale called Topsham Mc Tavish.  He had a bloodline from both parents of the male Bomblitz Edward Bear and that was just the type I was looking for. I didn’t have to think twice; McTavish came back to Holland with me. Mac as we called him, won several prices and won BIS at the Dutch Clubshow in 1976 out of 125 French and English Bulldogs. He was Junior Winner in Amsterdam 1974, Winner 1976 and Dutch Champion.
In 1975 I imported Quatt Pollyanna, a beautiful brindle female aged one and a half. As her ear had been damaged I could not show her, but she was from a good bloodline. I had bought her to combine with McTavish. Out of the first combination I bred Dutch Champion Amorous Belle v.d. Zuylenstede and Queen Annabelle v.d. Zuylenstede.
Daughter of Amorous Belle was Dutch Champion Girly v.d. Zuylenstede. Daughter of Queen Annabelle was Dutch Champion Alicella v.d. Zuylenstede Winster 1979 and BOB 1980.
Out of the second combination of McTavish & Pollyanna came the beautiful pied male International Champion Chico v.d. Zuylenstede.
Out of the combination Chico & Alicella came the fawn female Chemera v.d. Zuylenstede. Unfortunately, this colour was not recognized in Europe so I couldn’t show her but I kept her and mated her with an imported male called Brickett Jacarinda, son of Gangour Oss.
With this combination I bred Zappa v.d. Zuylenstede, which I sold to a family in Germany. This beautiful male has only been shown once at the Bundessieger, where he was awarded reserve Champion. In that time, I had sold more beautiful dogs to people who wanted pets and were not interested in showing.
USA: Hendriks & American Champion Charlotte vd Zuylensteden
  • When you started breeding French bulldogs, they were very rare breed. How do you explain the enormous growth of their popularity?

- On every street corner you can buy nowadays a French Bulldog. Today's breeders benefit from the dogs of previous generations. Many famous people also have a French Bulldog. David Beckham, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Lady Gaga, Sharon Stone etc. They appear in films and television programs “William”- Bringing down the house, “Stella”- Modern Family. On top of that breeders also ask high prices for a puppy. I think that also goes along with the breeding of the contemporary French Bulldogs.
  • What kind of problems did you encounter with the first litter? What were the most common health problems? Were these puppies born naturally?

- The first litters I bred, with the two sisters, were born naturally. They were caring mothers and the puppies ate independently after 4 weeks. I have never experienced this again. With Blanche vd Molenstal, the beautiful pied female I wanted to breed her first litter after she became Dutch Champion. Her pups had to be taken with Caesarean section. Her breeder, Mr van Doorn had already told me this when I bought her. The chance that she could naturally give birth was small.
4 weeks before the delivery I went to see, who I thought, was the best veterinarian at that time. We talked about the possible caesarean section so he could take it into account.
When the time came I called the clinic but the wife of the doctor answers the phone. She told me that her husband was not there at the time and that I had to come to the consultation hour that afternoon. Well, of course I could not wait for that. The female was already pressing but without result. I had to hurry. I called my own veterinarian who called the University clinic for companion animals in Utrecht. He checked if it was possible to come with my female for a caesarean. When I arrived, a student took the female and told me to come back after 4 hours…
When I finally came in after a long wait, they brought me a bag of 3 dead pups and the mother still under heavy narcosis. They told me “sorry but luckily we managed to save the mother during the operation”. All and all it had taken too long and because of the full narcosis of the mother, the pups suffered and died.
I was severely disappointed and I wanted to prevent this tragedy for the future. I talked with my veterinarian about it.
At a next pregnancy with Blanche, my veterinarian did the caesarean section in new way. He told me that he would contact the university and present them new procedure. The newly graduated veterinarians now carry out the caesarean section on this manner.
  • How did the breeders at that time deal with the problem of bitches who were having hard labour? I suppose there were not many veterinarians who performed a caesarean section at that time?
World Champion Lancelot vd Zuylenstede (World Dog Show Amsterdam, 1985.)
    - In the years that followed, there were many problems with caesarean sections. The older vets had no experience with the new way of operating the French Bulldog. The breed was not as popular as today. Many puppies and mothers died in the 70’s to the 90's because vets had no experience of operating French Bulldogs, especially in the countryside. Breeders told each other which vets performed well with cesarean sections and where you could best go. After I came to live in France, I have never lost so many dogs.
    • Tell us something about the colours of the French bulldogs. Fawn French bulldogs have long been unauthorized in Europe and you have had some of the first fawn champion dogs. Do you expect one day for Blue French Bulldogs to be accepted just the same? How do you explain their enormous popularity?

    - When I started breeding, the French Bulldog colours were according the standard; light brindle, dark brindle with white breast, pied with dark brindle plate and mantel checke (3/4 dark with white legs)
    Because I was breeding with English lines, there was FAWN in the 5th or 6st generations in the pedigree. In England this colour was very popular. In 1944 Ch Mark of Millhouse, Cherub of Silpo and Keysoe Ambassadeur out of American bloodlines, inherited the fawn in England. Because England was not a member of the FCI, as the American Kennel Club (AKC) have their own Kennel Club rules, this colour was allowed in the breed.
    In 1994 the Fawn colour was accepted by the FCI. My fawn male Louis Louis vd Zuylenstede won BOB at his first show in Rouen, France.
    There were not many fawn colours in Europe at that time. A brother of Louis Louis vd Zuylenstede, Felipe vd Zuylenstede was sold to America and later his son returned to Germany. "Coeur de Pantoufle" Unfortunately this male was not approved for breeding in Germany, he got a breeding ban. The male was later sold to a breeder in the Netherlands and she has done many studs with this male. Many descendants of this male were born in Eastern Europe. In the pedigree of almost every fawn there is my male Felipe vd Zuylenstede.
    I myself see it as a big problem these bad colours. Especially if pedigrees are given to these dogs, but I am convinced that serious breeders will avoid these wrong colours from their bloodlines.
    Roquefort vd Zuylenstede: The First French Bulldog of the European Continent to become an American-Canadian Champion (he become American and Canadian Champion within thirty days) 
    • What do you think is the biggest problem of French bulldogs today?

    - There are too many problems with dogs that are anxious with breathing. Also nervous dogs with stress. These dogs should be excluded from reproducing.
    • What is your biggest concern about today's breeding, what are the characteristics are neglected and which are better than before?

    - I think that the pied French Bulldogs, bred with one eye black and one eye whit out pigmentation around the eye and the eye angle, should be crossed with a dark brindle dog. To avoid this characteristic problem for the next generation. Pied dogs inherit this fault. A too black colour French Bulldog without any brindle is also a fault, black is dominant. It is difficult to breed back the brindle colour. It is important to breed the tail back, more attention must be paid to this. The tail is an extension of the spine. A good roach back reduces a steep hindquarters and will improve the movement. Breeders should pay attention to these faults in the breed.
    When I started breeding there were not many French Bulldogs in Europe except in Germany, and England. After 2000, the East Europeans have seriously mixed in the show and breeding programs. This was an asset to overall kynology in Europe and the rest of the world. It brought more competition and interesting interference with good types. By means of the internet, breeders can now find each other more easily and you have access to the pedigrees, many generations back.
    Girly vd Zuylenstede
    • If you could pick up some specific dogs that you think are important to the breed, which ones are those French bulldogs?

    - I can not name specific names. In all those years there were always new breeders with new dogs, new names but on the pedigree you can see that the background of these dogs originated from Daulokke, de la Parure, A'vigdors, Kingfriend lines. These breeders all made use of each others bloodlines nice type of dogs. I will of course forget to mention other good breeders. I have respect for breeders that go for quality not for quantity.
    • Do you think that the world of kynology was once more fair?

    - I think that certain people everywhere are not good, so also in the kynology. It is well known that over the years people such as board members, members of breed clubs and certain judges are influenced, unfortunately at the expense of the breed. I find this very unsporting.
    • Do you fear that dog breeding in the future will be endangered by an animal activists or someone else?
    - Yes, I think that in the future problems will come from different sides regarding the progress of breeding problem breeds. There have already been several TV programs in the Netherlands that have paid attention to it. Activist animal rights organizations want a breeding prohibition of the short-sighted breeds. Even a stop of dog shows like the Amsterdam Winner show, one of the oldest dog show in Europe!
    Judging in France (Longchamps 1998.)
    • Are you afraid that breeding French bulldogs could be banned for allegedly frequent breathing problems?
    - In the Netherlands it might be a problem. The committee and some breeders of the Dutch French Bulldog Club have to defend the breed soon in front a tribunal.
    • What was most important to you in breeding? What would you say today to the breeders?

    - My goal was to breed the French Bulldog to become a healthy breed with improvements through precise breeding according the standard. Always health as the most important indicator. With a small population of dogs of about 5 to 6 dogs I manage to do so as good as I could over 50 years.
    Judgin in Zagreb, Croatia, 2018. Toy Breeds Specialty: Hendriks and Puppy BOB Obi Van Kenobi Totegnac

    No part of the interview  or photographs may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, translated, or transmitted in any form or by any means now or hereafter known, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the author.

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    Francuski buldog Baks, pravim imenom Lacs D'amour Totegnac, uzgojen dakle u našoj Totegnac uzgajivačnici, zahvaljujući takvoj pomno biranoj prehrani, ima fantastičnu sjajnu dlaku i- naravno- uvijek je u fantastičnoj kondiciji.
    Copyright by @frenchie.bax

    Detalje i o obrocima koje jede Baks nalaze se na njegovu instagram profilu
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